Top Numerology Reading Sites

We test, review and compare the leading psychic reading sites for questions and guidance using numerology. Get advice on any device via call, text chat, email, or video. Find out how numbers can provide clarity and guidance on money matters, relationships, auspicious dates, your health conditions, and many more!

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Can you really find meaning in numbers?

Because numbers have always been there, many people don't think much about them. But in some cultures, numbers have meanings that are based on old traditions and ideas. Some numbers have deep spiritual meanings that have to do with a person's life path. Many numbers have deeper symbolic meanings in addition to their spiritual meanings, and it's important to learn more about these meanings to understand how they affect the physical world in different cultures.

In our day-to-day lives, we may have been unconsciously dabbling in numerology too. For example, we feel uneasy with the triple 6 numbers, as it's been called the devil’s number. Or how about avoiding the number 13 as it’s unlucky? Maybe you keep seeing the same numbers your whole life, or certain numbers seem to call to you. Even Paris Hilton is a devout believer and is known to make a wish when the clock struck 11:11. Whatever it is, it just proves that we are already aware of the potential of correlated numbers, or numerology.

But what exactly is numerology?

Numerology, like astrology, is a mystical, divine art. The date, location, and time of a person's birth are completely unique to them, making this a very personalized experience. Just as no two people on Earth have the same fingerprints, no two people have the same life path number.

All of the numerology interpretations of your life will revolve around your life path number, which is analogous to a horoscope birth chart. Simply by adding up the digits of your birthdate, you can determine your own. Even the letters in your name have numerical values. Your age, residence, phone number, and paycheck... all contain numbers. They're everywhere! Not good with math, much less calculating your life path number? No worries! That’s what numerologists are for. They can also provide a more in-depth reading by using these deductions in conjunction with a tarot deck, birth chart, and other tools.

Okay, but how can it help me?

Numerology may help you discover direction and significance in your life. It may also be used to foretell what sort of energy will influence you in the future. Many people utilize Numerology as a reference when naming a kid or a company. Because the numbers in a name affect its overall personality and potential, some people will spend a lot of thought into selecting a name that will produce the desired effects. It doesn’t end there, here are a few more ways that numerology can help resolve real-life issues:

  • Money matters - Numerology can predict when to invest, how much, and the associated risks.

  • Decision-making - Numerology readings help you make the best life decisions. We often don't know how to make a decision or select the greatest alternative for ourselves. By following our numerologist's chart, we may live a more fulfilling and comfortable life. It also makes life easier and reduces hassles.

  • Life obstacles - We all experience issues in life but don't always comprehend the main reason and best remedy. It also helps you estimate how long these problems will take. Numerologists can examine financial, emotional, and contextual difficulties.

  • Knowing yourself - Numerology is a good tool for self-discovery. It can help reveal your strengths, shortcomings, abilities, and potential. This lets you exploit your strengths. It also reveals your public persona and how others view it.

  • Lucky dates and times - We all want to know the ideal moment to decide, make significant purchases or mark a special milestone. Knowing the perfect moment is made easier with the aid of numerology.

  • Health condition - One can use numerology to determine the best times to take care of their health and the days to exercise caution. In other words, it enables you to prevent any potential issues.

  • Life partners - Before getting married, you may wish to test your compatibility with someone. Life path number can assist you to comprehend a possible partner's personality, conduct, and traits. This shows your compatibility.

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Online Psychic Readings

    Before picking a psychic reading website, you should check a few things to get the most out of your psychic reading experience. Here are some important factors to consider:

    Trial Offer

    Unlike the psychic in your nearest boho neighborhood, psychic reading websites often have trial offers to tempt you into signing up. This can be in the form of bonus credits or free minutes that you can use to find your best match. If you're not happy within the first few minutes, you can terminate the session without spending any money. Other than free minutes, sites like Oranum offers 24/7 live broadcasts so you know what to expect before paying for a session.

    Psychic vetting process

    All of the psychic reading sites featured on this page rigorously screen and vet their psychics to ensure authentic and legitimate readings.

    Satisfaction guarantee

    Many of the psychic reading sites we've tested offer some sort of customer satisfaction guarantee. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with the reading, you may receive credits, free minutes, or a refund. Kasamba, for example, offers a full or partial refund of up to $50.

    Customer feedback

    With hundreds of online psychics to choose from, you can choose which ones are truly gifted based on honest reviews from real people. Sites like Purple Garden and Kasamba are pretty transparent by making reviews public and displaying star ratings on each psychic's profile.

    Help via any device

    Our recommended psychic reading websites include a variety of options for you to connect. Top-rated psychics usually offer consultations via phone, live chat, or video call. If you're not keen on video calls or can't type fast enough, consider doing psychic phone readings. If you would instead rather consider your questions or even analyze the psychic’s answers before submitting follow-up questions, an email psychic reading like those offered by Kasamba is your best bet.

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About Online Psychics

    Contrary to popular belief, psychic reading doesn't have anything to do with ghosts or spirits or any other paranormal activities. While some of these intuitive counsellors do seem to have an inside line to otherworldly planes, most rely on what we call ESP or extrasensory perception. Armed with a heightened perceptive ability, these "seers" can tap into our energy and uncover secrets about our past, present, and future. We can then use these little details as a roadmap to improve different facets of our life, including love, relationship, career, money situations, and more.

    People seek the help of spiritual advisors for a variety of reasons. Hence, you'll find different types of categories in online psychic reading sites. Here are some of the most popular:

    - Tarot readings
    - Fortune telling
    - Dream analysis
    - Career forecasts
    - Love and relationship readings
    - Oracle guidance
    - Palm readings
    - Astrology readings
    - Numerology
    - Kabbalah
    - Sound baths
    - Pet psychic
    - Picture readings
    - Angel insights
    - Clairvoyance
    - Chakra Healing
    - Reiki, etc.

    When we say psychic reading, we probably picture a gypsy gazing into a crystal ball in some dimly-lit carnival tent. Nowadays, however, psychic mediums, clairvoyants, and other spiritual practitioners have gone online. Thanks to technology, you can get a reading without meeting the psychic face to face. Many online psychic communities have gifted advisors who can perform accurate readings through phone, live chat, video calls, and emails.

    An online psychic reading isn't that different from in-person readings. If the psychic expert needs to read your palm or non-verbal cues, they would recommend sitting for video reading. There are also obvious benefits like the following:

  • It's way cheaper than face-to-face meetings, which can cost upwards of $100 per hour. On the other hand, a session with an online psychic can cost as little as $0.50 per minute. You can even get free minutes and discounts!

  • It is more convenient. Most online psychic reading networks have mobile apps so you can get accurate readings without leaving your couch. No more wasting time on long drives or waiting around for appointments!

  • You'll be spoilt for choice when it comes to psychic reading types. Lost a pet? On the verge of a divorce? Trying to meet your twin flame? These online psychic portals have experts on those topics.

  • Privacy and comfort. Sharing your deepest secrets during a face-to-face session can be difficult. An online psychic reading removes any awkwardness or discomfort. If you don't want to show your face, you can simply get a reading via chat or email.

  • Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your online psychic reading session:

    1. Decide on what you need some clarity on. Is it love? Money issues? Trouble at home? This way, you can find the best psychics trained on those topics.

    2. Whatever it is, make sure to come with an open mind and leave your cynicism and stereotypes behind. Understand that the future is not set in stone since your energy is ever-changing, as do your life choices, beliefs, and emotions.

    3. Ask specific and open-ended questions. Many psychic advisors expressly state this in their profiles. Vague questions will lead to vague answers or no reading at all. The more detailed your questions, the clearer and more specific the answers will be. Be honest and open with your spiritual advisor.

    4. Prepare questions but avoid legal and health-related topics. And no, we don’t recommend asking about the stock market. Below are some of the most popular questions that psychic readers get:

    • How can I find my soulmate?
    • Will I marry my current boyfriend or girlfriend?
    • Is my partner cheating?
    • What is the future of my current love relationship?
    • Will I get the promotion at work?
    • What does my future look like?
    • Have I chosen the right career path? Should I study abroad?
    • How do I know when it's time to quit my job?
    • Will I be successful in life?
    • Is there something my deceased loved one/s wants to tell me?


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